

Recently a library customer who has a self-published a book enquired as to how his book could be added to the library collection. My manager fowarded his book on to the collection development department; who then sent the book back to our library saying that the book must be accompanied by professional book reviews.

I feel for the customer because I know that it is difficult if not sometimes nearly impossible to get a self-published book reviewed.
The customer asked me how is book may be professionally reviewed, and that led me to do some searching. The most interesting website I found was Kirkus Indie.  Kirkus offers professional reviews for books that have been published by major companies, however their Indie service allows self-published authors to obtain reviews from professionals.  It is then possible for Indie reviews to actually appear in an issue of Kirkus magazine!

The Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards is another oppurtunity for an author to be recognized.  Grand Prize winners will have 10 copies of their book sent to major review companies.  

Thanks to e-readers I know that it is easier for people to have their works read, and reviewed by the people who bought their book.  Even though authors can not have their books professionally reviewed using Amazon's Kindle Lending Library they might be able to earn royalties for their work.

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