
Story Time Crafts

I've been so excited about all of the crafts that I have been doing during my story times I decided that I wanted to start posting pictures of them, and the links to the craft ideas (if any).

For Black History Month I read about Mae Jamieson, and decided that since we were talking about an astronaut going into space I wanted the children to do something about the earth.  We talked about our planet and what it looks like from outer space.

I found this idea on DLTK's website under Earth Day and Sissor Skills Craft.

A new website I fell in love with for their crafts is Danielle's Place.  They had several great craft and activity ideas for George Washington Carver.  I read a short biography on Carver, and then the children and I discussed how Mr. Carver used nature to create new things.  I took them outside and they gathered rocks. leaves, twigs and seeds.  Once back inside the library they decorated their boxes with things from nature.  The idea for this craft was found on this page.

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